What Dave does, and where he's headed tomorrow, actually -apparently along with "throngs" of other physics students each summer? I asked him about this (a quote from the article) and he said, "Yeah, all ten of us..." Posted it for ya, dude.
I've been reading another Leon Kass book. This one, Toward a More Natural Science, was written quite a while ago, 1985. He mainly addresses issues of bioethics - genetic manipulation and research, in vitro and test-tube babies, how long to prolong life, etc. His overall approach is probably summed up here: "I wish to suggest that before deciding what to do, one should try to understand the implications of doing or not doing. The first task, it seems to me, is not to ask 'moral or immoral' or 'right or wrong?" but to try to understand fully the meaning and significance of the proposed actions." Agreed. Several other times he indicates that his feeling about much scientific research (especially the bio-medical field) is that it is racing ahead without any direction or reflection. So, like any good Jewish discussion, this book gives the reader many more questions than answers - but they are very good and instructive questions. Maybe there's something in all of these book for my High holiday sermons. Hah!
"And now for something completely different" I'm going to try to read Julia Child's My Life in France - while I wait for Elie Wiesel's book on Rashi to come, and before Mom comes to visit and I pass the JC to her.
Links, of varied topics:
Dave is further ahead in West's book, and apparently it's a page-turner.
The Israel Test. "Do you admire and emulate excellence and accomplishment, even if it excels your own? Or do you envy and resent it? And try to tear it down?"