Wednesday, July 15, 2009

ExPML->getVal(0, i, k, j +fsi)

Indexing in a three dimensional space leads to headaches, but when its done, it works. Glorious.

So what's all this squiggly stuff bouncing around the screen? More electromagnetic wave simulation using a finite difference time domain method (FDTD). What makes this so special? This modulated gaussian pulse is propagating in modeled free space, mostly, that is there are no absorbing or reflective materials in this small modeled domain. However, the modeled space is "coated" with a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML). This means that once the waves reach the boundary of the modeled space, there's extra stuff added to absorb the incident waves. It is much like making an anechoic chamber. There are a bunch of special constants that have to be set and accumulators that have to kept track of so as to just perfectly attenuate the incident waves.

If you read the title properly, you'll discover what has kept this simulation from running properly for the last few days.

Also interesting to note is that the dipole radiation pattern is clearly visible in this brief simulation.

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