Light posting recently because I went home to Dallas for a few days. What's a perfect day for you? I had a few while in Dallas. On Monday, I went shopping at Nordstrom's with my mom in the morning, and then in the afternoon went to help my old Sunday School teacher (also a Navy doc in the reserves) clean his M-4s. All of this followed by my mom cooking up a pile of barbecued chicken and okra stew. That's pretty perfect.
Here be links of interest:
The Holocaust is not the justification for Israel's existence. Read any number of the reviews about Gertrude Himmmelfarb's new book, The Jewish Odyssey of George Eliot, or read Daniel Deronda itself, for further clarification on this point. Or, um, read the Bible.
Lebanese elections. I see now that my usual go-to source for Lebanon happenings, Michael Totten, has now also posted some thoughts.
Anyone else ask for tea at the Inbal or King David hotel in Jerusalem and get presented with one of the big wooden Wissotsky boxes?
I have been reading William James' lectures for the Gifford Lecture series - collected in his book The Varieties of Religious Experience. I hope to compare some of his writing with the Gifford Lectures that Freeman Dyson gave, about 80 years later. Why randomly pick Freeman? Well, my brother is in electrical engineering, and had it lying around his apartment. I did not steal. I ordered my own copy. So, I'm working on that - so far I am struck by the continuity of religious fads. Transcendentalism, the mind-cure movement, even James' struggle with what he sees as a thin line between psychological problems and spiritual problems - it's all still here, though perhaps under different names.
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